S101As (Section 101A of the Water Industry Act 1991)
– first time sewerage schemes
We continue to work with water companies to build the public sewerage network. With the terrain varying across the UK from flat to hilly, different types of sewerage systems are designed to suit those conditions e.g. vacuum, gravity, pumped. Working on such projects, we draw on our skills from multiple engineering disciplines to produce the variety of drawings required including:
- Site plans/layouts
- Building plans/sections/elevations/details
- Long sections
S106 (Section 106 of the Water Industry Act 1991)
– an application to connect to a public sewer
As the public sewerage network increases, many in rural and semi-rural areas wish to connect to the system. We have many clients who have asked us to undertake or assist with their application by providing the required drawings including:
- Drainage layout plan showing location of sewers and manholes on site and up to the connection point
- Site location plan